Chip talent gap exceeds 300,000 yuan, average monthly salary 10420 yuan

Upload time:2019/6/06
Yesterday (27), a recruitment website published "Data Insight of Chip Talents in 2019" shows that the chip industry's talent pay is low and the gap is large. Beijing Youth Daily reporter learned from industry personages that the current domestic chip industry due to the input-output ratio is relatively large, R&D investment is high and other factors, corporate profits are limited, talent salaries are not as good as other industries.
1. Average monthly salary of chip talents is 10420 yuan
Recruitment website report data show that in 2019, the average salary of talent recruitment in chip industry is 10420 yuan, and the average salary of 10-year working experience is 19550 yuan, which is only half of the salary level of software talents with the same working years.
The data show that the major TOP5 of chip talents is electronic information engineering (18.69%), automation (10.63%), electrical engineering and its automation (9.02%), electronic information science and technology (5.02%) and measurement and control technology and instruments (4.97%). The above five majors mainly involve chip design.
An employee who received the letter of employment from Huawei Haisi Company in 2018 told the Beijing Youth Daily, "I graduated from Ph. D. and the salary is discussed separately. The company gives me a salary of about 20,000 yuan a month, plus the year-end award, the annual salary may be about 400,000 yuan."  However, the number of undergraduates and masters is far below that.
Huawei employees commented to Beiqing Daily reporters that many employees inside the company think that Haisi's salary is not high in the company. The reason is that "Haisi's products may not be sold out, do not directly generate revenue, and research and development investment is very large."
2. Slow growth limits wage increases
"The same technicians, do software pay high, a good way out; do hardware is not good, not only hard, low wages." Wu Zihao, a professor at key universities in chip field, said with emotion.
Slow growth and long iteration cycle are one of the important reasons that restrict the salary increase of chip talents. R&D Engineer Lin Bin said that after entering the job, freshmen usually go through four or five chip project cycles, each of which lasts from six months to two years, before they can start to "take the lead".
One IC investor also believes that the excellent talents needed by enterprises can be directly applied, while the newly graduated students need a lot of training and a long time of precipitation, which is far from the same. A university teacher said that enterprises are reluctant to accept short-term student practice, even if the acceptance will not give students sufficient exercise opportunities on the grounds of confidentiality.
3. Over 300,000 Chip Talents Gap
According to the statistics and analysis of the White Paper on Talents in China's Integrated Circuit Industry (2017-2018), the demand for talents in China's integrated circuit industry will be about 720,000 by 2020. By the end of 2017, there will be about 400,000 talents in China's integrated circuit industry, with a talent gap of 320,000 and an average annual demand of about 100,000. In 2017, less than 30,000 of the 200,000 graduates of integrated circuit majors in Colleges and universities entered the industry for employment, and relying solely on Colleges and universities can not meet the demand for talent supply.
In fact, in addition to the lack of talent, the high brain drain rate in IC industry has become a common problem in the industry. Over the years, the low salary environment has led to low salary expectations for chip practitioners. Most graduates of integrated circuit majors prefer to go to the Internet, computer software, IT services, communications and real estate industries.
IV. Promoting the Application and Construction of Related First-level Disciplines
Take Huawei as an example, the important measure to deal with the shortage of chip talents is "to promote recruitment". "We need to change the old recruitment methods. Real experts and supervisors are not on the front line. Personnel interviews are not deep enough to see resumes, leading to large-scale entrance and large-scale departure. Not only is it irresponsible to the company, but also to the employees. We should constantly enrich our team and select the right people for our needs. On April 29, Huawei Xinsheng Community's official website published an internal e-mail from Huawei issued by Ren Zhengfei.
In addition to continuing to strengthen the training of talents in Colleges and universities, it is necessary to promote the application and construction of microelectronics and integrated circuit related first-level disciplines, narrow the gap between the training of talents in Colleges and universities and the demand of employers in enterprises, and promote the "supply-side structure reform" of integrated circuit talents.